fused quartz, fused silica, quartz rod, glassblowing, quartz wool, antique glass repair

crystal glass repair, glass repair, vase repair,

antique glass repair, glass polishing


                                 Glassblowing Specialists providing Silica Quartz and Borosilicate laboratory glassware for over 25 years 


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H.Baumbach & Co Ltd are delighted to announce a new distribution partnership with Normag in Germany. We have distributorship to the U.K, Ireland, Canada And the U.S.

If you require a catalogue or information on one of their products please do not hesitate to contact one of the sales team.

Telephone 00 44 (0)1473 626585

Fax             00 44 (0)1473 610421

e-mail        sales@h-baumbach.co.uk

or           http://www.laboratory-glassware.com/


The Glass Clinic

  Fine restorers of Antique and crystal glassware.

Contact Hans     00 44 (0) 1394 382245 (tel)