fused quartz, fused silica, quartz tubing, quartz rod, glassblowing, quartz wool, quartz glass

quartz rods,ground joint, quartz joints, quartz sockets, quartz cones, cones and sockets

cones and sockets, ground quartz cones, ground quartz sockets


Glassblowing Specialists providing Silica Quartz and Borosilicate laboratory glassware for over 25 years 


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                                         cone & socket                                                                                                                   ball & cup

                                 interchangeable ground joints

cones diameter total length catalogue number
5/13 4 120 QSC0513
7/16 6 120 QSC0716
10/19 8 120 QSC1019
12/21 11 120 QSC1221
14/23 13 120 QSC1423
19/26 17 120 QSC1926
24/29 22 150 QSC2429
29/32 26 150 QSC2932
34/35 30 150 QSC3435
45/40 40 150 QSC4540
60/51 56 180 QSC6051
85/55 80 200  QSC8555
100/60 95 200 QSC10060
All joints are to British Standard
Larger Sizes are available on request.
Larger Shank Sizes are available on request


diameter total length catalogue number
5/13 8 120 QSS0513
7/16 10 120 QSS0716
10/19 13 120 QSS1019
12/21 15 120 QSS1221
14/23 17 120 QSS1423
19/26 22 120 QSS1926
24/29 28 150 QSS2429
29/32 33 150 QSS2932
34/35 40 150 QSS3435
45/40 50 150 QSS4540
60/46 65 180 QSS6046
71/51 75 200  QSS7151
85/55 95 200 QSS8555
All joints are to British Standard
Larger Sizes are available on request.

ball total length catalogue number
MS13 100 QSB13
MS19 100 QSB19
MS29 120 QSB29
MS40 150 QSB40
MS51 150 QSB51
MS64 150 QSB64
'O ' ring ball total length catalogue number
'O' Ring ball    
MS13 100 QSOB13
MS19 100 QSOB19
MS29 120 QSOB29
MS40 150 QSOB40
MS51 150 QSOB51
MS64 150 QSOB64
cup total length catalogue number
MS13 100 QSC13
MS19 100 QSC19
MS29 120 QSC29
MS40 150 QSC40
MS51 150 QSC51
MS64 150 QSC64
All joints are to British Standard
Larger Sizes are available on request.
'O' Ring Ball Joints available on request
    Telephone - 00 44 (0)1473 626585
    Fax - 00 44 (0)1473 610421
    Postal Address - 30Anson Road, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich, Suffolk, England, IP5 3RG.
    Electronic mail -    sales@h-baumbach.co.uk











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